here Image courtesy of Michael Cordonsky (photographer), Tel Aviv University and the Israel Antiquities Authority]]>

here Image courtesy of Michael Cordonsky (photographer), Tel Aviv University and the Israel Antiquities Authority]]>
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Rachel Hug
This is very interesting to me. It would only make sense that the early Jewish populations had widespread literacy as each individual letter in the Hebrew alphabet is considered sacred and connected to God Himself. It would be sacrilegious for a Jewish parent to not teach their children the alphabet and the structuring of words! I can’t think of another culture on the planet that has that kind of connection to their language.
yes however the writing style in the picture is paleo hebrew also know in the talmud 500 ce works as ktav ivri. it is very different than modern hebrew and the only known writing system from 1200 BCE till 500 BCE. Modern hebrew script evolved from assyria during the diaspora and Ezras return to Jerusalem in about 470 BCE with his influenced writting system known as aramaic or asshuri script.